My mind races...all of the time...with things that need to be complete, be said. It would seem that most women think this way. But it hasn't always been like this.
Rise early. Prepare breakfast for a basketball player and a soccer player and their amazing sister. Get basketball player to game and bundle up to get soccer player to cold (36 degrees at kickoff) game, both start at 830.
After fore mentioned games(I got to sit at soccer *brr!* Chad got to sit in the gym), come home. Take amazing sister to play with her long-time friend that she doesn't get to see often anymore. This friend...a know, the one she has known since she was 2 1/2...the one that in preK she stated that she and D would be on "Dancing with the Stars" together(not sure which one is the star)...the one that you can put the two of them together and they'll be content for hours.
Home, prepare to leave for second soccer game of the day, 45 minutes away. Pack up snacks and such, meet the most amazing group of soccer team families at meeting spot, drive to game. While team is warming up, go to local diner to get Chad a most amazing lunch sandwich(when he eats one meal a day, it should be outstanding!). Come back, watch game. Watch my favorite soccer player on the team get a yellow card in the last minute of the game. Watch his heart break on the field. Nothing that boy does would ever be to intentionally harm anyone.
Game over (shutout...great game!), drive through Chickfila for food for both soccer players (you know, the one that played at 0830 and the one that just finished). Drive 45 min to pick up amazing sister.
Come home, quick nap.
Up, make chili dogs for kids for dinner.
Shower, coffee, off to work.
While at work, doing a job that I absolutely love with people I love even more, I compose a mental list of things that must be done, in random order:
grocery list...milk, fruit, SD card for camera
Pumpkin Parable (by Liz Curtis Higgs...get a copy before next Halloween!)...couldn't find our copy, try to find a summation online and print out for Chad to use when he and the kids carve pumpkins in the use as church since we won't make it as I'll be asleep
Birthday gift ideas for Chad...anyone have any?
Ask girls at work a good way to get Rapunzel's wig to stay on for Halloween
Must mop kitchen floor
Augh! I forgot creamer...but need coffee...has Jack made any in the breakroom?
Must get long sleeve white shirt clean and dry for cheerleader for Halloween
Seth's gym clothes! P U
Unpack (yes, after 5 months, still have boxes)
Christmas ideas
Man, need to shop for dishwasher...
Need to look up list of common meds used during kid's sedation procedures for work
Really need new black casual shoes...ouch, and shoes for work
Shave? No, not til after Halloween. :)
The list goes on, as does time and life.
Sunday's sleep wasn't great, but I was awaken once by the kids' voices. As they were having "church at home" and choosing songs to sing, I hear Sarah, "Can you hear? There's a new song, sing it out sing a new hallelujah." Heart melts. I smile and go back to sleep.
"Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you."---1 Peter 5:7
Whew. Thank goodness.